Chronic pain is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people around the world. It can impact every aspect of your life, making it difficult to perform daily activities and enjoy your favorite hobbies. I thought I understood chronic pain and had an idea of what people with chronic pain were going through. I had seen extended family members and close friends deal with it and struggle for years. However, I never did understand why they would turn to drugs and alcohol to cope or why they were so depressed or wanted to give up on life. I always thought it was something they should just push through, deal with and with a positive mindset, medication, an anti-inflammatory diet, and some exercise they should be able to live a happy life and overcome the pain. That was until I experienced chronic pain myself. Oh boy, was I in for a slap in the face!
I've struggled for over 4 years now with debilitating vertigo and chronic pain. So bad that I was unable to function at a job I had for over 15 years, I had to go on intermittent disability, I struggled every day to get out of bed and would cry in pain trying to change my daughter's diapers in the mornings. Fortunately for me the vertigo was curable, which... I wouldn't wish vertigo on even my worst enemy! For anyone dealing with Vertigo and still alive, my hats off to you. I've never wanted to check out of this life for anything until I experience DAYS of vertigo.
While my vertigo is no longer present, I still struggle with chronic back pain. I have good days and bad days. Bad days take me out, mentally and physically. It's like a never-ending loop of pain-related depression and defeat, followed by pain-free happy days with tons of optimism. I'm not one to take pain medications, SSRI's or other drugs unless absolutely necessary. However, after trying to manage my pain and depression with nerve ablations, epidurals, exercise, nutrition, supplements, movement, physical therapy, prolo therapy, I finally caved and tried pain meds. Which for me, made me mentally dumb and useless. I hated them. I rather cry and feel the pain, then sit numb on my couch watching TV dead to the world. I did finally reach out to a Psychologist and received an ADHD diagnosis. Which is a whole other blog to write. But the medication I was placed on to help manage my ADHD was also a medication that helps with nerve pain. This was the first time I experienced some relief from the anxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts, and had a few more manageable pain days.
While my pain is still excruciating some days, I'm hopeful for relief. I know I'm luck to have a chronic pain condition that might be able to be treated with surgery. However, not everyone know's the cause of their pain.
Below are a few way to help manage chronic pain, to reduce inflammation without relying solely on medication.
- Anti-Inflammatory Diet - This involves consuming foods that are high in antioxidants and low in processed sugars and saturated fats. Eating foods like fruits, vegetables, and fatty fish can help reduce inflammation and ease pain.
- Supplements - Supplements such as magnesium can also help ease pain. Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a role in muscle and nerve function. It can help relax muscles, reduce muscle spasms, and alleviate pain. Other supplements like turmeric and ginger are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and can also help reduce pain and inflammation.
- Listening to Your Body and Taking Care of Yourself - Making time to take care of yourself and give yourself grace to rest on high pain days is essential for managing chronic pain. This may involve taking time off work or reducing your physical activity level to prevent further strain on your body. Practicing relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can also help ease pain and promote relaxation.
- Regular Exercise - Exercise such as walking and stretching can also help reduce chronic pain by improving flexibility, strength, and endurance. Low-impact activities like swimming, cycling, or walking can help reduce pain and inflammation without putting additional strain on your body.
Overall, managing chronic pain without medication requires a holistic approach that involves reducing inflammation, taking supplements, and taking care of your body on high-pain days. By adopting healthy lifestyle habits and seeking support from healthcare professionals, you can learn additional ways to help manage chronic pain and improve your quality of life.
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