A Journey to Recovery: My Experience with L5 S1 ALIF Back Surgery

Alex Koupal • May 24, 2023

Back Surgery is No Joke... but it was the BEST decision for me.

Alex back x-ray image of injury

Chronic pain is no joke.  It slowly creeps up on you, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year. It a weird way, you kind of get use to it. You find workarounds, and adaptations and consider low-pain days, and good days.  You forget what it's like to be pain-free, and are just grateful for the few days you can function with minimal pain. 

I've always been an advocate for holistic healing, avoiding unnecessary medications, and medical intervention when I could.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not against Western medicine, it's absolutely necessary.  However, from personal experience, I've found that doctors are over-taxed and rushed and often apply band aids to symptoms rather than fix the root cause. So I've always advocated for my own health and have been able to find a balance between holistic, naturopathic and western medicine.

So I'm sure, you can imagine my frustration when I began to experience chronic back pain post-pregnancy.  3mo postpartum I began to experience debilitating back pain.  Changing a diaper would put me in tears.  Trying to reach into the crib to pick up my 3mo old would spiral me into a mental depression, feeling helpless, unable to take care of my own child because the pain was so bad I couldn't pick her up from her crib.   

Of course, I pushed through. When it got so bad it was taking a toll on my mental health, I started talking to my doctors.  I did detox, stretching, inversion, physical therapy, prolotherapy, chiropractic, energy work, prayer, pain meds, anti-inflammatory diets, walking, supplements, special pillows, weight loss drugs resulting in 60lb weight loss, nerve ablation, epidurals, cortisone injections, ... you name it, and I tried it.  Over 4 years of suffering.

The pain became so crippling that it was affecting my capability to be a good mom, a good partner, and my ability to do my job.  I was laid off during covid, in part due to my condition.   I had so many days where I would lay in bed and cry, for 45mins or more, just trying to get out of bed. Struggling with the pain.   It would take me almost 2 hours just to be able to gain mobility enough to dress my daughter and walk down the stairs with her before school.   I would spend hours, crying to myself, feeling like my life as I dreamed it, was over.  I was on the downslide into my 40's.   Constantly thinking about my mortality, because my body has finally started deteriorating.   It was bad.    Of course, I hid this from almost everyone and pushed on, pretending I was ok. 

I finally hit rock bottom and became desperate.  I began reaching out to surgeons.   I met with four different surgeons, all suggesting the same procedure, ALIF.   So I went with my gut, trusted my intuition, and chose the surgeon I felt most comfortable with, and didn't look back.   He was confident he could give me my life back, and I really wanted to believe him. 

So how did it go you ask? 

Undergoing L5 S1 ALIF back surgery was a life-changing decision for me!

Chronic pain had consumed my life, but with careful preparation, a dedicated mindset, and the support of my loved ones, I embarked on a journey toward recovery.

Preparation for Surgery: In the weeks leading up to my surgery, I took daily walks, prioritized a healthy diet, and even included pineapple juice in my routine. The bromelain enzyme found in pineapple juice is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can aid in reducing swelling post-surgery. Preparing my environment by investing in an electric bed, grabbers, and a hospital table to help ease my daily activities during the recovery process.

Immediate Relief: I remember after a few hours of recovery and eating a meal, the hospital nurse asked me my pain level.  Don't get me wrong, I was in pain...but I was in significantly LESS pain than before surgery!  I was like.. 4 out of 10.  She was shocked, and so was I.   I couldn't believe the immediate relief. The pain I had been living with daily, which had become my norm... was WORSE than this super-invasive surgery.   Mind Blown!

The Initial Days: Following the surgery, I encountered a few challenges. I experienced a post-surgery fever and found it difficult to get out of bed for about five days. An after-effect of general anesthesia. I had to force deep breathing exercises that would cause me to cough. Which was so extremely painful after having surgery similar to a C-section. Laxatives became necessary to combat the effects of the pain medication. I required help to get in and out of bed. However, I was determined to recover quickly and reduce my reliance on narcotics. Remarkably, I managed to wean off the pain medications by day two and all other medications by the end of week two. I was up walking a mile a day within the first week and able to do small tasks that helped me feel a bit more independent.

Rebuilding Strength and Mobility: The recovery process felt slow initially, but in retrospect, progress came quicker than anticipated. I gradually rebuilt my strength and mobility, although my abdominal muscles were weak. Assistance was needed to lift my legs onto the bed initially. The large back brace, though uncomfortable and restrictive, offered exceptional posture, making me feel like a modern-day ninja turtle. I focused daily on getting in and out of bed. Becoming independent in the restroom, and getting my walks in.  My back was still pain-free, so long as I didn't bend, lift or twist (all of which I couldn't do for the last 4 years anyway) and the most painful part was the incision on my abdomen that would pull and stretch sending zingers every now and then. Still... less pain, and conditional pain.

Signs of Progress: During my week three check-up, I was elated to witness a 15-degree improvement in spinal alignment through the X-rays. It was a tangible confirmation of the surgery's effectiveness. The doctor cleared me to shower, move without the brace for midnight bathroom trips, sleep on my side, and even drive short distances. Each newfound freedom brought a sense of relief and normalcy to my life.

Relief and Renewed Energy: The surgery has provided immense relief from the chronic pain that plagued me for years. The release on my nervous system has granted me extra energy and mental clarity I thought I would never get back. Although I still experience some localized pain and discomfort around the incision site, it is minimal and diminishing with each passing day. I already feel ten years younger and 100% happier not being bound by constant pain.

Looking Ahead: As I reach the 4.5-week mark post-surgery, I eagerly anticipate the coming weeks. I am confident that my recovery will continue to progress, and I am excited to see how I will feel in eight or twelve more weeks. This journey has taught me resilience, patience, and the importance of self-care. It is a testament to the incredible power of modern medicine and the strength of the human spirit. I am amazed by my body and have a newfound love for her.  We've always had a complicated relationship but I feel like this surgery has brought me closer to her and I promise to care for, and look after her better than before. I abused my body so often, pushing through to get what I wanted, at a price.   This has been a healing process for both of us. Surgery has been a transformative experience and I look forward to a future free from the limitations that once held me back.

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