We live in a world where smartphones have become extensions of our hands. A recent survey found that the average American checks their phone about 144 times per day! We seem to be unhealthily glued to our screens, and there is evidence to suggest that a break from social media can have a profound impact on your mental health. Here's how to do it.
It is possible!
For many of us who have children, tight work schedules, or businesses to run, the idea of completely shutting off the phone is unfathomable. Let's not mistake detoxing for a radical rejection of all things digital. Instead, think of it as a conscious pause—a deliberate break from the never-ending stream of information and notifications. Begin by choosing pockets of time during your day when screens take a back seat. It could be as simple as enjoying your morning coffee or dedicating an evening stroll to the world outside your device.
Controlling your notifications
While you're on a digital detox, making use of your phone's notification settings can be a real game-changer. Features like Do Not Disturb and customizable focus modes are your buddies here. On most phones, you can pick which apps and people can still ping you when DnD is on. This trick can help kick that habit of constantly glancing at your phone. If it's urgent, the notification gets through; if not, it can wait.
Why should I do a digital detox?
Scientific research reveals that prolonged screen time can contribute to stress, hinder cognitive processes, and disturb sleep patterns. By taking a few moments without screens, we give our brains the chance to unwind.
According to this article by WebMD, all that time online can cause
The benefits
Imagine trading an hour of mindless scrolling for moments of mindfulness, or substituting virtual socialization with genuine face-to-face conversations. Digital detoxing has many incredible benefits. According to the same WebMD article, it can you help calm your mind, be more productive, feel better about yourself, and get quality sleep.
So, whether it's a social media-free sunset or a tech-less tea break, the digital detox is your way of hitting the pause button on the constant buzz of activity. It's all about reclaiming your attention, so you can savor life's non-digital moments. If you need any help getting started, or finding time in your day to incorporate the digital detoxing idea, book a free call with us!
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